Sweet and Spicy Glazed Sweet Potato Recipe

Sweet and Spicy Glazed Sweet Potatoes | Pamela Salzman

Sweet and Spicy Glazed Sweet Potatoes | Pamela Salzman

You know that friend that you can invite to any party, be your companion at any event, who can get along with anyone and everyone, even with people who are polar opposites?  Sweet potatoes are that friend.  I mean obviously if you look hard enough, you’ll find someone (ahem, Hubby) who doesn’t appreciate how cool and nice and smart your friend is, but they’re just shallow and not open-minded. Ok, just kidding!  But the fact is that with all the “diets” in current circulation, e.g. Paleo, grain-free, Whole30, vegan, plant-based, lectin-avoidance, to name a few, I think sweet potatoes are one of the only foods that are considered “approved.”Continue reading