Spicy Salmon Sushi Bake Recipe

This is a viral trend I am LOVING!  It’s fun, easy, adaptable and so much cheaper than going out for sushi!  Not only is this a great dinner paired with a simple salad (I would do one with a miso dressing), but it’s also fabulous for serving to friends.  I use canned wild salmon which I always keep in the pantry. But you can use canned tuna or even boneless, skinless sardines.  If you can get sushi-grade fish like tuna or salmon, go ahead and use that if you like, or leftover cooked salmon from last night’s dinner. Furikake is a savory Japanese condiment sprinkled on rice, fish, and vegetables. While there are many different types of furikake available, typical blends include ingredients like dried nori (seaweed), toasted sesame seeds, dried fish, dried egg, dried herbs, salt, and sugar. I love it just to add extra flavor to simple baked fish or a rice bowl.Continue reading