Author: Pamela, adapted from The New York Times via Smitten Kitchen
¾cupmaple sugar or cane sugarI used maple sugar in these photos.
3star anise or 1 cinnamon stick
1 2-inchpiece of gingercut into slices
½of a vanilla beansplit in half lengthwise
4 2-inchlong pieces of lemon rinduse a vegetable peeler
8dried unsulphured apricotsthinly sliced
4dried unsulphured figsthinly sliced
Juice of the zested lemon
3firm Bosc pears or Asian pears
1firm tart apple
Seeds from half a pomegranate
Fill a medium saucepan with 4 cups water. Add the sugar, star anise, ginger, vanilla bean and lemon rind. Bring to a boil, and simmer until all the sugar is dissolved. Let it cool for just a few minutes, but still hot and then add the dried figs and apricots. Set aside to cool completely.
Peel and core the pears and apple, if desired. Slice thinly crosswise (1/4-inch slices) and place in a large bowl. Sprinkle with the lemon juice and toss to coat.
Once the syrup with dried fruit has cooled, pour it over the apples and pears. Cover the bowl and refrigerate overnight.
The next morning, remove the fruit with a slotted spoon and transfer it into a serving bowl. You can remove or leave the ginger, vanilla beans, star anise and lemon zest. Sprinkle with the pomegranate seeds and serve.
Syrup can be made up to two days in advance and kept refrigerated. Salad can be fully prepared and kept refrigerated up to two days. Other dried fruit that works well – dried cherries, raisins, peaches, persimmons