Place the drained salmon in a large bowl and break it up with a fork.
Add remaining ingredients, except oil, to the bowl and gently mix until combined.
Form into patties with your hands and place on a flat plate or small baking sheet. Refrigerate, covered, for at least 30 minutes or up to 1 day.
Warm a griddle or large skillet over medium with enough oil to cover the pan 1/8-inch deep.
Place the salmon patties in the pan and cook until golden brown on the underside. Carefully flip the patty (I like to do this by sliding a metal spatula under the patty with one hand and flipping the patty against the side of the pan and allowing it to slide back down to cook the other side. This will help avoid splattering and breaking the patty.) and cook the other side until golden brown. You don’t have to worry about whether or not the salmon cakes are cooked through, because canned salmon is already cooked.
Serve warm with a side salad or on a rice bowl. I also like putting a little chipotle Vegenaise and some avocado on top.