Dinner Planner: Week of July 11th

Thank you for all the well wishes and gracious comments on my last post.  I am really excited to be working on this cookbook, although I will have a super busy summer.  I have a great team in place to help me shoot the recipes for the book this week.  We actually just started and I will […]

Risotto Stuffed Tomatoes Recipe

I am a very spoiled tomato-eater.  Once you have tasted a summer tomato straight from the vine, you can never ever eat one out of season.  Tasting a flavorless, hard, mealy tomato is about as disappointing a culinary experience as you can get.  I used to go out into my father’s garden with a salt […]

Homemade Healthy Barbecue Sauce Recipe

Is “barbecue” a verb or a noun or both or what?  I have said, “We’re going to barbecue tonight.”  But not, “I’d love some good barbecue tonight.”  Although since my daughter started to go to school in Texas, I’m starting to get used to the barbecue lingo.  And I do love me some barbecue!  My […]

Dinner Planner: Week of June 27th

I know most people aren’t thinking about what to make for dinner this week, but rather what to make for the 4th of July a week from Monday.  I always used to think of July 4th as the summer being half over.  Why is that?  We’re just getting started and I am going to enjoy […]

Dinner Planner: Week of June 20th

Oh, how I love summer cooking!  The farmers markets are so full of the most insanely delicious produce right now.  If you are not seeing tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini and peaches in your area, you will be soon!  This is the first week I am not making school lunch, so can I just say WOO HOO […]