Dinner Planner: Week of August 1st

I am so excited to go to Long Island this week to visit my family.  I have been working so hard on the cookbook and really need a vacay.  You’ll have to follow along on Instagram and Snapchat to see what I really make for dinner.  I haven’t planned it all out yet, but there […]

Dinner Planner: Week of July 25th

Sadly, this is our last week together as a family of five.  🙁  My older daughter is going away to a summer study program next week and then she’s going directly to school. So that means I have to cook some good stuff for her this week before she has to eat dining hall food […]

Five Friday Favorites- 7.22.16

Five Friday Favorites are back!  I usually revolve this series of posts around what I am teaching in my classes, but I am taking July off this year because I need to finish my book manuscript by August 1st.  Almost done!  After I turn in my book, I am headed to Long Island to relax […]

Tomato and Avocado Stacks with Ranch Dressing Recipe

How sad is it that I never had an avocado until I was in college?  Not even guacamole.  I mean, what kind of a life is that? Fast-forward I’m-not-going-to-tell-you-how-many-years later, I eat avocados almost every day.  I am crazy about the texture and flavor, and they go with everything.  Avocados are so amazing for your […]

Dinner Planner: Week of July 18th

After the cookbook shoot, I found myself with tons of fresh veggies and herbs that weren’t used.  So this week I am playing a game with myself called, “How to Not Grocery Shop.”  I’ve done this before and it’s definitely a challenge to use only what I have on hand, but I also think it’s […]