Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2016 – 3 Weeks and Counting!

[one-third-first][/one-third-first][one-third][/one-third][one-third][/one-third] This post has been edited from the one originally published on Thursday, November 3, 2011. If you followed the advice in my post last Thursday, perhaps you now have a general idea of how many guests you will be hosting on Thanksgiving.  If not, it’s time to get on the phone and do some inviting! […]

Dinner Planner: Week of October 31st

I will admit, I was a lazy bones about dinner last week.  My husband was out of town the entire week, I had two birthday celebrations and I taught a class one evening.  So, Mr. Picky ate a few leftovers and random dinners like pasta with meat sauce one night.  But yesterday the South Korean […]

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2016 – 4 Weeks and Counting!

This post has been edited from the original, which was published on October 27, 2011. Can you believe what today is?  It is the beginning of the countdown!!  Thanksgiving is 4 weeks from today!  No need to panic, friends.  We’re going to have some fun over the next month!  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I […]

Dinner Planner: Week of October 10th

Happy weekend!  I’m in Palm Springs this weekend with my family and my sister-in-law and her family.  We are attending Desert Trip, also known as “OldChella,” a three-day concert with “vintage” artists like The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Roger Waters and others.  It has been very fun and very civilized watching music with […]

Chocolate-Peanut Butter Brown Rice Crispy Treats Recipe

My first ever job was babysitting.  I was 12 years old and I made $1 an hour.  I mean, seriously.  A dollar!  I started off babysitting my younger sister’s friend who lived up the block.  It was pretty easy money and I didn’t have much of a social life when I was 12, so it […]