Dinner Planner - Week of May 7th 2018 | Pamela Salzman

Dinner Planner – Week of May 7th 2018

I had a great day in Minneapolis on Thursday speaking about health and wellness at the Beauty Counter Leadership Summit and then an equally wonderful time Friday speaking at the Galveston Chamber of Commerce annual women’s conference.  Of course, it’s always nice to be home and after speaking nonstop about the importance of cooking from […]

Dinner Planner - Week of April 23rd 2018 | Pamela Salzman

Dinner Planner – Week of April 23rd 2018

I’m in Dallas for the weekend to visit my daughters!  Yay!  I also was able to squeeze in teaching a class at my friend Lisa’s house yesterday and that is always fun. 🙂 In other news, my second online class launched last night, although the menu is missing from the landing page.  Ooops!  In the […]

Dinner Planner Week of April 9th 2018 | Pamela Salzman

Dinner Planner – Week of April 9th 2018

It’s been a busy week since I launched my first online cooking class!  It’s so nice to see so many of you joining in.  If you have joined the private Facebook page, mark your calendars for April 14th at 9:00 am PT/12:00 pm ET for a Facebook LIVE for this month’s class.  Bring all your […]

Sweet and Spicy Glazed Sweet Potatoes | Pamela Salzman

Sweet and Spicy Glazed Sweet Potato Recipe

You know that friend that you can invite to any party, be your companion at any event, who can get along with anyone and everyone, even with people who are polar opposites?  Sweet potatoes are that friend.  I mean obviously if you look hard enough, you’ll find someone (ahem, Hubby) who doesn’t appreciate how cool […]

Dinner Planner - Week of April 2nd 2018 | Pamela Salzman

Dinner Planner – Week of April 2nd 2018

Happy weekend!  We just had a really lovely Passover seder at our house.  You can see my menu from last week’s dinner planner.  My only change was to swap cauliflower mashed potatoes for the sweet potato casserole because we’re going to my in-laws’ house tomorrow for the second seder and my MIL is serving sweet […]