Dinner Planner – Week of December 28th, 2020

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!  I just want you all to know how much I appreciate each and every one of you and this community as a whole.  This year has been incredibly challenging on so many levels and I can honestly say, you have been a bright light in my life.  […]

Eggnog Sweet Potato Casserole with Crunchy Oat Topping Recipe

When my kids were small, before we moved to the beach, we lived in two different homes in Los Angeles, and we had a milkman from Alta Dena® deliver to us once a week.  So old school, I know!  Keith was a lovely man who dropped off our order very early in the morning, so […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 30th, 2020

  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We had a very small holiday with just 9 of us outside, of course.  It was still lovely and I was so very happy to see so many of your photos, emails, DM’s and comments showing me your success stories!  Thank you for bringing me into […]

Savory Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe

Let the Thanksgiving countdown begin!  So what that I am not having my typical 28-person dinner this year.  We’ll be a more intimate group of 10-ish and outdoors, but I am still doing it up!  Turkey, gravy, side dishes, pies, the whole works.  And, I’ve actually already gotten started.  Uh huh! And to help YOU […]