Dinner Planner – Week of July 26th, 2021

Bootcamps are back and if you haven’t taken one with me, I am repeating my two most popular bootcamps this week and these will not be offered again this year!! I have received rave reviews from Plant Based 1.0 and Meal Planning/Meal Prep/Batch Cooking.  I am teaching skills for life.  I am changing the way you see things.  I […]

Grilled Halibut with Watermelon Pico de Gallo Recipe

I’m on a bit of a watermelon kick lately.  It’s likely because wherever I seem to go, it’s hot and muggy and I just keep craving watermelon!  It is one of the most hydrating and cooling foods out there. Watermelon is actually more than 90% water.  But it’s also high in vitamin C, beta-carotene and […]

Dinner Planner – Week of July 12th, 2021

Well, we had a great trip in Boston and New York, and although it was an ordeal to get back home, we eventually made it!  My monthly online cooking class students, forgive me, but our class will be uploaded a wee bit after the usual 10th of the month.  But I promise, it will be […]

Dinner Planner – Week of June 21, 2021

Happy summer!! We JUST moved into our new house and let me give you all some advice – if you think you might move in the next 10 years, start the editing process today!  Holy moly, it’s a lot.  Exciting, but a lot.  We’ll be on IG live on Monday at 5 pm PT from […]

Best Grilling Recipes

What is it about Father’s Day that says “Let’s grill!”? I thought a grilling round-up would be the perfect post today in anticipation of Father’s Day, but also as a summer kick-off.  For those of you who are plant-based, let me know if you have questions about swapping plant proteins for the animal proteins.   If […]