Kale, mushroom and brown rice bake recipe

Kale, Mushroom and Brown Rice Bake | Pamela Salzman
Kale, Mushroom and Brown Rice Bake | Pamela Salzman
Photography by Reagan Brooks

Daughter #1 is my 15-year-old who used to turn her nose at her plate if food groups were touching.  So you can imagine how very satisfying it was for me when she sighed, “I could eat Kale, Mushroom and Brown Rice Bake every day.”   Sigh.  Actually, both my daughters are crazy about this rice and veggie quasi-frittata and I am thrilled to cook them something so healthful and substantial for breakfast, lunch or dinner.  At the moment, the girls are on a brown rice bake kick and I’ve had to make it three times in the last two weeks!

Kale, Mushroom and Brown Rice Bake | Pamela Salzman

With teenage daughters usually comes a little drama, even first thing in the morning.  It usually involves someone borrowing someone else’s clothes without asking or someone posting a picture on Instagram of the other one sleeping with her mouth open.  But who knew that even breakfast food could fuel more than just hungry bodies?  Yesterday morning there was only 1 piece of brown rice bake leftover from the day before and Daughter #2 was the first one in the kitchen.    You know what they say about the early bird….  Daughter #1 was not the early bird yesterday, nor is she any day for that matter, but apparently she dreamt all night of brown rice bake instead of the boys from One Direction.  Do you know where this is going?  I watched it unfold in slow motion as #1 opened the refrigerator looking for the breakfast of her dreams while #2 savored another forkful of the last of the rice bake.  I knew what was next.  “Where’s the rice bake?”  No response was really necessary as my glance shot over to her sister who looked hesitant and terrified as she finished the last bite.  Hell hath no fury like a hungry teenage girl robbed of her rice bake.  No further details necessary.

Kale, Mushroom and Brown Rice Bake | Pamela Salzman                    Kale, Mushroom and Brown Rice Bake | Pamela Salzman

What’s the point of airing my family’s dirty laundry?  Oh merely just to share how much we love Brown Rice Bake and to encourage you to make it!  Although most of us (except for Mr. Picky) love frittatas, this is less eggy and more rice and vegetables bound with just enough egg to hold it all together.  The rice and (optional) sliced almonds give every bite great texture.  It’s super satisfying for any meal and a great way to use up leftover cooked brown rice and whatever vegetables you have lying around.  Think of this recipe as merely a roadmap to deliciousness – there is more than one way to get there.  Spinach, broccoli, leeks, asparagus, zucchini – all perfect here.

Kale, Mushroom and Brown Rice Bake | Pamela Salzman

I felt bad that Daughter #1 was disappointed yesterday so last night I sautéed all my vegetables and pre-measured the rice, cheese, salt and almonds, so all I had to do this morning was crack some eggs and measure a bit of milk.   I was so excited to surprise my lovely daughter with a new brown rice bake when she woke up this morning.  It’s noon and I’m still waiting for her to wake up.  Just praying there’s some rice bake left when she does…..

Kale, Mushroom and Brown Rice Bake | Pamela Salzman


Kale, Mushroom and Brown Rice Bake

Pamela, inspired by Eating Well and So Good & Tasty
5 from 1 vote
Servings 4 -6 or makes 12 individual "muffins"


  • 2 Tablespoons unrefined extra-virgin olive oil or ghee
  • 4 ounces mushrooms such as shiitake*, chopped
  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • 3 large kale leaves stemmed and chopped (or more if you like)
  • Sea salt
  • 1 garlic clove minced
  • 2 cups cooked brown rice or barley, farro or spelt
  • 5 Tablespoons sliced almonds divided
  • ½ cup grated Parmesan or Pecorino cheese divided
  • 4 large eggs
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • ¼ cup whole milk or unsweetened hemp milk


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees and grease an 8x8 or 9-inch round baking dish. You can also use a 12-cup muffin tin, greased or lined with silicone liners.
  • In a large skillet heat the oil/ghee over medium heat. Sauté the mushrooms, onions, kale and a pinch of salt for about 3-5 minutes or until just beginning to soften.
  • Add in the garlic. Continue cooking until everything is softened and the mushrooms are golden, about another 3 minutes.
  • Place the rice in a large bowl. Stir in the mushroom mixture, ¼ cup almonds, and half the Parmesan cheese.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs, milk, ½ teaspoon salt and pepper. Fold the eggs into the rice mixture, then pour into your prepared baking dish. Sprinkle with the reserved half of cheese and 1 Tablespoon of sliced almonds.
  • Bake for about 30 minutes or until set.


*To clean mushrooms, wipe with a damp paper towel. For shiitakes, slice off stems and discard.
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Farro with roasted vegetables and roasted tomato dressing recipe

We had such a nice Labor Day weekend.  I hope you did, too.  We were able to squeeze in some beach time, family time, yoga (for me) and our annual block party, which was great fun.  The combination of the balmy weather and refrain from “labor” made me wish that summer would last just a little longer.  Although, as I mentioned in my gazpacho post, I am riding the summer tomato train for as long as possible.  Since this may very well be my last recipe of the year with tomatoes, I am sharing a goodie.

The inspiration for this recipe came from Deb at Smitten Kitchen who adapted it from Gourmet magazine.  The original recipe called for Israeli couscous, which I couldn’t help but substitute out for a more whole (and tastier) grain like farro.  But what makes this dish special is the incredible dressing which uses slow-roasted tomatoes as it’s base.  What could be better, tomatoes and grains with a tomato dressing?  It’s the perfect recipe for a tomato-fanatic like me!

Ok, I can read your mind.  It’s not the fastest recipe on the planet.  The cherry tomatoes have to be washed, dried, halved, arranged on a baking sheet and roasted for an hour.  Although you don’t have to arrange the tomato halves like soldiers in the photo here.  I thought it would look nice that way, but now I realize it just makes me look obsessive compulsive.  Anyway, I was making this on Friday afternoon to bring to the beach for a potluck, and I tried timing the tomato prework. Excluding the roasting bit, I think it only took me about 15 minutes which I did while watching an episode of “Barefoot Contessa.”  Can I just say I wish Ina Garten would invite me over to cook, play bridge and drink cocktails with her and her friends, especially TR.  Sigh.  Speaking of Ina, do you remember her Orzo with Roasted Vegetables from 2001?  Gasp, was that really 11 years ago?  You know, the one that we all made a gajillion times for every backyard barbeque and potluck for years.  Loved it, but OD’ed on it for sure.  Ina’s salad was easy, but definitely involved some labor, and yet we all thought it was worth it.

Ok, this recipe is like that for me!  A little extra work, but worth it, worth it, worth it!  I taught this last September and again to a group this past July, all the while thinking how divine it is and how much I love it.  And then, while watching Ina on Friday afternoon, that orzo salad popped into my head and I changed this recipe on the spot by cutting the amount of farro in half and adding a bunch of roasted vegetables in its place.  The good news — it was A-MAZING, so much better than the original!  The bad news – it was A-MAZING, so much better than … the way I had taught it to A LOT of students.  Guilty face.  Well, I guess that’s what blogs are for!





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Farro with Roasted Vegetables and Roasted Tomato Dressing

Pamela, inspired by Gourmet via Smitten Kitchen
Servings 6 -8


  • 2 pints cherry tomatoes about 1 ½ pounds
  • 6 small-medium garlic cloves UNpeeled
  • ¼ cup unrefined cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil + additional for vegetables
  • ¼ cup warm water
  • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt + additional for vegetables
  • ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper + additional for vegetables
  • 1 bunch asparagus trimmed
  • 5-6 medium zucchini
  • 1 cup farro
  • Kosher salt
  • ½ cup Kalamata olives pitted and chopped
  • 1/3 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • ¼ cup chopped fresh basil
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme only if you’ve got it


  • Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Halve tomatoes through stem end and arrange cut-side up in one layer on a large baking sheet. Add garlic to pan and roast about 1 hour, or until tomatoes are slightly shriveled around the edges. Cool in the pan for 30 minutes.
  • Peel the garlic and put in a blender with oil, water, lemon juice, salt, pepper and ½ cup roasted tomatoes. Blend until very smooth.
  • Turn the oven to 400 degrees. Arrange the asparagus on a large baking sheet and drizzle with oil plus a sprinkle of salt and pepper to taste. Chop the zucchini into 1-inch cubes. Toss with olive oil and arrange in one layer on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Roast asparagus for 12 minutes or until tender. Roast zucchini 35 minutes or until caramelized. Chop asparagus into 1-inch pieces.
  • Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add a few substantial pinches of kosher salt and the farro. Cook until farro is tender, but still al dente, about 20-25 minutes. Drain very well and transfer to a serving bowl.
  • Add olives, remaining tomatoes, asparagus, zucchini, herbs and dressing to farro. Toss to combine and taste for seasoning. Serve warm or at room temperature.
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Zucchini bread pancakes recipe

A few years ago, someone suggested I teach a class with a breakfast menu.  At first I didn’t think it was such a good idea because breakfast seems kind of easy, at least too easy to be taught in a cooking class.  In our house the rotations is oatmeal or muesli, scrambled eggs, smoothies, yogurt and granola, pancakes and leftovers from last night’s dinner.  But the more I thought about it, I realized there was a nice variety of fun, delicious and healthful recipes I could share.  Because I do believe breakfast is nutritionally the most important meal of the day, especially for children, I knew these recipes needed to provide sustenance, long-lasting energy and stable blood sugar.  My first breakfast class was a great success and I have continued the tradition every June (arbitrary selection of month) since then.

I tend to follow a similar formula each June based on what my family and I love to eat for breakfast, both on the weekdays and weekend.  I always teach a smoothie, muffin, egg-based dish and a pancake recipe.  When I was growing up, pancakes were for Saturday mornings when Mom had time and no one was rushing off to work or school.  I too love lingering over a plate of pancakes on the weekends, but by making the batter the night before and teaching my older girls how to cook their own, we enjoy them on a school mornings, as well.  If you’re thinking it’s a little boring to eat plain old pancakes twice a week, I would agree with you!  We add lots of different things to our pancakes while they’re cooking and the kids each seem to have their own favorite combo, such as fresh raspberries and mini-chocolate chips or diced banana and pecans.

But for my breakfast classes, I needed to debut more than just buttermilk pancakes with a different fruit each time.  I’ve posted most of my favorites by now, including oatmeal pancakes and pumpkin pancakes.  Both are really delicious!  After seeing a recipe by fellow Foodily tastemakerJoy the Baker, for carrot cake pancakes, I had an idea to make pancakes with the same flavors in zucchini bread.  To me, zucchini bread really isn’t about the zucchini, which I think is a little tasteless but does add nice moisture to muffins and quick breads.  I’m mostly in it for the sweet spiciness of cinnamon and nutmeg, perhaps combined with a few nuggets of walnuts.  What’s not to love?  And zucchini bread pancakes could be made with almost no added sweetener — so great!

These pancakes made it on the menu this past June and I think they were a big hit.  I made them successfully with several different flours, including whole wheat pastry, whole spelt, and sprouted whole wheat.  The latter two flours tend to create a thicker batter, so I used a bit less of those, but they made for a nice hearty pancake.  Whole wheat pastry flour is very light, almost mimicking white flour, but still has all the fiber and bran of whole wheat, which it is.  We also played around with adding pecans, blueberries or the oft-requested chocolate chips, but personally I love them completely plain with either a thin drizzle of maple syrup or a dollop of whole yogurt.  Such a delicious breakfast for the long weekend as well as for a first day of school.  I hope you all enjoy a fantastic Labor Day!

Zucchini Bread Pancakes



  • 1 ¾ cups sprouted wheat flour or 2 cups whole wheat pastry white whole wheat or whole spelt flour (or a combo)*
  • 1 teaspoon aluminum-free baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon aluminum-free baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 1 Tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • scant ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 2 cups buttermilk**
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 Tablespoon 100% pure maple syrup
  • 3 Tablespoons unsalted butter melted
  • 2 cups shredded zucchini
  • Melted unrefined coconut oil or unsalted butter for brushing the griddle


  • Preheat a griddle to 400 degrees or medium heat.
  • Combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and spices in a large mixing bowl.
  • In a medium bowl or 4-6 cup measuring cup, whisk together the buttermilk, eggs, vanilla, maple syrup and melted butter until well blended. (A blender can do this easily, too.) Fold in shredded zucchini.
  • Pour the wet mixture into the dry ingredients and stir until just combined.
  • Brush the griddle with coconut oil and spoon about ¼ cup of batter onto the griddle. Add blueberries, chocolate chips, diced banana or chopped walnuts to the surface, if desired. When bubbles start to form on the surface of the pancake and the edges become slightly dry, flip it over and cook until done. Maintain the heat on medium-low or 400 degrees.


*Gluten-free: substitute 1 cup buckwheat flour and 1 cup brown rice flour for the wheat flour. Or you can use GF oat flour, too, such as ¾ cup oat flour, ¾ cup buckwheat flour and ½ cup brown rice flour.
**No buttermilk? Sub half unsweetened yogurt and half whole milk. Or use 2 cups milk, omit the baking soda and use 2 teaspoons baking powder instead.
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Gazpacho with avocado recipe

The kids are going back to school tomorrow, which means that my favorite season is UNofficially over.  No more lazy days and waking up late or reading for pleasure instead of for a test.  Back to making lunches at 6:30 am and soccer carpools.  Not so fast!  The good news is that summer isn’t officially over until September 22nd and there are tomatoes to prove it.

If you’re new here, I am mildly obsessed with summer tomatoes, i.e. tomatoes grown in soil and hot July and August sun until they’re sweet and juicy and drippy with intense tomato flavor.  My garden doesn’t produce that many so I supplement with tomatoes from my local farmers markets or GROW, my favorite local market which always seems to find great produce from local farms.  I’m a lucky girl for sure!  I try to take advantage of the fleeting tomato season, so I buy a ton and seem to use tomatoes almost every day in some way, even for breakfast or in between meals.  Just now I took a handful of yellow grape tomatoes and ate them as a little snack like candy, which is what they tasted like.  Yum!

best to chop each ingredient separately; pureed  fresh tomatoes stand in the place of canned tomato juice

It’s always my preference to keep things simple when the ingredients are perfect, like sliced tomatoes and avocado on grilled bread with sea salt, but gazpacho is a recipe that is worth the extra 5 minutes to make.  We’ve been enjoying some hot weather here in Southern California so it’s the perfect time to enjoy this cooling, no-cook soup.  My version of gazpacho is not exactly traditional, but just as delicious and possibly a tad more healthful.  In Spain, it is very typical to add day-old bread, which I omit.  I don’t notice the lack of bread one bit, and I think if you’re going to indulge in bread, you might as well actually know you’re eating it.  I also don’t use canned tomato juice, which normally contains BPA or aluminum or both.  Yikes!  Not only that, I think you can get a cleaner, more tomato-y flavor from using awesome fresh tomatoes, not to mention more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants like lycopene.

My kids like gazpacho because they think it tastes like a blended salad and they can add an assortment of toppings.  As I’ve mentioned, I’m big into topping bars, especially for soups and salads, because I think it gives the kids more control over what they’re eating and I notice they tend to eat more of a food when they can make it their own, so to speak.  Our favorite topping with gazpacho is creamy cubes of avocado with give the perfect balance to the acidity of the tomatoes and vinegar.  But don’t let me stop you there.  Croutons, grilled corn kernels, chopped shrimp or crab are all fantastic additions to the top of this bowl of summery goodness.  I’ll come clean and confess I’ve even put out popcorn for Mr. Picky to add.  Whatever works, people.  I love pairing cool gazpacho with chicken kebabs and chimichurri sauce or a summer frittata for a light dinner.  But one of my favorite ways to serve it is in little shot glasses as an hors d’oeuvre.  With Labor Day weekend around the corner, here’s one way you can keep that summer feeling going strong.

Gazpacho with Avocado

5 from 1 vote
Servings 6


  • 2 cups large chopped unpeeled Persian cucumbers about 3-4
  • ½ small red onion cut into chunks*
  • 4 large about 2 ½ - 2 ¾ pounds ripe tomatoes, cored and cut in half crosswise to remove the seeds, cut into chunks
  • 3 medium garlic cloves peeled
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 2 Tablespoons Sherry vinegar
  • ¼ cup unrefined cold pressed extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 avocado cubed


  • Place the cucumber in a food processor fitted with the metal blade and pulse until coarsely chopped. Transfer the cucumber to a large bowl. Repeat the process with the red onion and transfer to the bowl with the cucumber.
  • Take half of the tomato and pulse in the food processor until chunky and add to the bowl.
  • Smash the garlic cloves and place in the food processor with the remaining tomato pieces, salt and pepper, vinegar and oil. Process until smooth.
  • Transfer mixture to the bowl with the cucumber and onion and stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate until cold.
  • Before serving, garnish with avocado. Can be made several days ahead.


You can add finely diced radish for pepperiness; hot sauce or jalapeño for heat, croutons for crunch, or a dollop of sour cream. You can also use yellow heirloom tomatoes for a yellow gazpacho.
*Onion can be soaked in ice water for 15 minutes to take the edge off the raw flavor.
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Wild fish in parchment with summer herbs recipe

We’re baaaack!  What an amazing trip.  The five of us had an unbelievable 3 1/2 weeks together in Europe.  We shared so many great experiences, met interesting people and really grew together as a family.  People have been asking me what was the best part of our trip and I know it sounds corny, but what I enjoyed most of all was the five of us just being together.  Most importantly, and this is the mother in me talking, no one got sick, hurt or lost and we made it home in one piece.  Hooray!

I learned a new expression on this trip and it’s not in a foreign language.  My daughters kept saying to me, “YOLO, Mom.  YOLO.”  Huh?  Is that Dutch?  Apparently YOLO stands for “You Only Live Once.”  This often came up in regard to food.  The first five days of the trip I was able to avoid bread, pizza (except for that tomato and cheese pancake in Amsterdam), pasta and desserts, but my family was going for it.  Big time.  Eventually, I think around Copenhagen, I gave in and basically had a carb fest for 2 1/2 weeks.  It was fun while it lasted, but it also reinforced what I already know about wheat and refined foods — overdoing it is never a good thing.  And I’ve got my tight jeans to prove it.

Although it was a nice break to be out of the kitchen for a few weeks, I am happy to be back, cooking the food that makes me feel good.  I especially have a craving for fish and vegetables since the last half of our trip focused mostly on apple strudel, meat, apple strudel, potatoes, apple strudel, and bread.  This fish in parchment recipe is one of my favorite, easiest and most healthful ways to prepare fish.  It’s also the perfect light dinner for summertime, especially if you have some herbs growing in your garden.  Feel free to change the herbs in the recipe to suit your tastes or you can even add some thinly sliced, quick-cooking vegetables to the packets.  I used baby spinach leaves in these photos, but I also like diced fresh tomatoes and zucchini.  Or if you have some roasted or grilled vegetables from last night’s dinner, throw those in.  You really can’t go wrong.

Lucky for me, only Daughter #2 is still holding out on seafood, but everyone else loves fish, including this preparation.  Wild, cold water fish is high in important anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fats, which help support brain and cardiovascular function, as well as balance inflammatory influences in our lives, both from diet and lifestyle.  Steaming the fish in parchment actually helps to protect those fats from oxidation since the temperature inside the packets is low.  I am eager to start cooking for family again the way I know they and I should be eating.  Because like I always say friends, YOLO.

Wild Fish in Parchment with Summer Herbs

Servings 6


  • 1-2 cloves garlic 2 if small
  • ½ cup fresh parsley leaves
  • 2 Tablespoons fresh basil leaves
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh mint leaves
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt you can use an extra pinch if you like salt
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • ¼ cup unrefined cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 6 4-6 ounce portions of wild fish such as halibut, salmon or mahi-mahi, defrosted, if frozen
  • 6 14- inch squares of unbleached parchment


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Place the garlic, herbs, salt and pepper in the bowl of a mini-food processor and process until the herbs are finely chopped. Add the olive oil and process until well combined. Add lemon zest and pulse once or twice.
  • Place each piece of fish in the center of a sheet of parchment. Spread a heaping spoonful of the herb mixture on top of each piece of fish.
  • Bring 2 opposite sides of the parchment together and fold. Continue to fold all the way down until you reach the fish. Twist both ends of the parchment so that it looks like a hard candy wrapper. Place each packet on a baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes based on the thickness of the fish.
  • Transfer each packet to a plate and use caution when opening – the steam will be very hot!


You can make the fish packets in the morning if you like and keep them refrigerated. If you cook them straight out of the fridge, add an extra minute or two to the cooking time.
Other suggestions: you can also add to the packets quick-cooking vegetables such as baby spinach leaves, julienned zucchini or finely diced tomatoes. For longer-cooking vegetables, blanch or steam them first, then add to packets.
If you enjoy this, check out my other recipe for Halibut in Parchment with Cilantro and Ginger! There you can see step-by-step photos for how to fold the parchment paper.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


Grilled panzanella recipe

We are alive and well on our European holiday, although I may need a vacation after we return home!  We met our friends in Berlin a few days ago and have been having the best time.   What a cool, interesting, beautiful and progressive city!  Daughter #1 announced she will be moving to Berlin after college.  First things first, Missy.   All the kids have been fantastic – really going with the flow.  At times, I felt like we were on an episode of Amazing Race, figuring out metro schedules and running to catch trains, deciphering maps, and trying to translate foreign languages.  The good thing is that we have generally been laughing our way through it all.  Our overnight train trip from Berlin to Munich last night was particularly memorable as it was a first for all to sleep in beds on a train.  Before you picture us on the Orient Express, think again!  It wasn’t nearly that glamourous, but certainly provided us with a few giggles and good stories to tell when we are back home again.  As I write this, we are on another train from Munich to Salzburg, Austria.

As far as eating a whole, unrefined diet, I threw in the towel back in Copenhagen.  It is terribly difficult to avoid European bread when it is so darn good.  Once I gave into bread, pasta/spatzle, pizza and pastries came after.  Something tells me Austria will offer more of the same.  Mr. Picky is enamored with game sausages and mustard and I had my first beer since college just for kicks.   One was enough and I would just as soon eat fried potatoes than drink another beer.  We have really eaten a broad mix of cuisines which I think you’ll find in most major cities.

I will not start a war here by declaring the bread best in any particular city or country, but I can say that Europeans love bread.  We’ve eaten baguettes, spelt rolls, pretzel bread, whole rye, sourdough and more.  I also know that Europeans like to be efficient with their food and make good use of day old bread which might be otherwise thrown away.  I thought today would be a good time to share my recipe for Grilled Panzanella.

Panzanella is essentially an Italian bread salad, although I believe Spain has its own version of it, too.  Earlier in the summer, I also did a post on Fattoush, which is a Lebanese take on the same.  Sometimes it can be as simple as soaking stale bread in a mixture of vinegar and water and mixing it with fresh tomatoes and a pinch of salt.  When I was growing up, we would tear the stale bread and mix it with tomatoes from the garden, basil, red onions, olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper.  The stale bread would soak up the oil, vinegar and tomato juices and soften up a bit, too – really tasty.

I don’t eat bread very often, but if you grill it, I’ll never turn it down, especially if it’s rubbed with garlic and the edges are slightly black and smoky.  Simple and heavenly.  Try rubbing grilled bread with a cut, ripe tomato and you’ll go crazy.  In as much as I love a simple panzanella in the summer, I knew it would be better with grilled bread and it is!  Ina Garten has a Grilled Panzanella which I hear is delicious.  Not only does she grill the bread, but onions and peppers as well.

This salad is a snap to make and prep in advance if you need to, just keep the bread, chopped vegetables and dressing separate until you’re ready to serve.  Although most Italians would disagree with me, I think you should feel free to create your own yummy version of Panzanella.  I added capers to this one because I love a salty bite, but olives would be great, too.  There are versions with ripe, sliced peaches.  I also think baby mozzarella balls or chickpeas would also be nice in here, but try and keep it simple.

Our train has just entered Austria and we are already enamored of this beautiful countryside and all the adventures that await us.  Stay tuned….

Grilled Panzanella

Servings 6


  • ½ cup unrefined extra-virgin olive oil plus extra for brushing bread
  • 1 large clove of garlic minced + 1 large clove
  • 4 Tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar or red wine vinegar raw apple cider vinegar is a more healthful choice
  • fine sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 4 Persian cucumbers unpeeled and chopped into ½-inch thick chunks
  • 2 large ripe tomatoes cut into 1-inch cubes (about 1/2 pound each)
  • 1 cup fresh basil leaves chopped
  • 6 Tablespoons capers drained
  • 2 shallots sliced
  • ½ pound loaf or crusty peasant bread or baguette cut on the diagonal into 1-inch slices


  • Preheat the grill to medium heat.
  • In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, minced garlic, vinegar, ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper. Set aside.
  • Place the cucumbers, tomato, basil, capers, and shallots in a large bowl. Sprinkle with large pinch of salt and pepper.
  • Brush bread slices on both sides with olive oil and sprinkle lightly with salt. Toast them on the grill until golden, about 4 minutes on each side. A little black char on the edges is good! Cut a thin slice off the garlic clove and rub one side of each piece of bread with the cut side of the garlic.
  • Cut the bread into cubes and add to the cucumber mixture. Pour in the vinaigrette and toss to combine.
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Nectarine and goat cheese salad with beet dressing recipe

If you don’t follow my Facebook posts or my tweets, you may have started to wonder if I got lost in a medieval castle somewhere between Germany and Russia.  Thankfully I didn’t, but our schedule has been so busy that I haven’t kept track of what day of the week it is!  Since my last post, we have visited Stockholm, Helsinki, St. Petersburgh and Tallinn (Estonia.)  Right now, we’re on our way to Copenhagen and then back to Amsterdam for a day before we travel to meet friends in Berlin.

We have been in Europe now for 2 weeks with about 10 days to go and I think seeing our friends soon will be just the change in dynamic we need.  That is, Mr. Picky and his bathroom hygiene (or lack thereof) are starting to get on his sisters’ nerves.   This trip has been amazing so far, and we are really packing a lot in every day.  Even though we are trying to keep it geared toward the youngest common denominator, after a while most 8-year-old boys don’t appreciate contrasting the differences among castles and art from one century to the next, although he was surprisingly fascinated by the Russian ballet.  All in all, Mr. Picky has been a trooper and bribing him with a soccer jersey in each country we visit has helped.  I hope to do a post at the end of our trip pulling together all of the do’s and don’ts that worked for us.

Our experiences have been so different in each city and all so memorable.  I will admit that making the most of our time in Russia was perfectly exhausting that by the time we hit Estonia about all we could muster was one medieval castle and shopping the local markets for well-priced linens and handmade crafts.  I don’t want to bore you with every landmark we visited, but if you are traveling to any of the same cities, please feel to leave a comment or a question and I will be more than happy to provide a speedy reply.

Normally, I love getting to know the local flavors of wherever we visit, but because most of our meals have been on the fly, we have really just been settling for whatever looks decent when hunger strikes.   I haven’t gone so far as to give in to McDonalds and Pizza Hut, which have been in EVERY city (although my husband tried the Big Mac below on dark sour rye in Helsinki – yuck!) , but let’s just say there have been a lot of chocolate croissants, pasta and reindeer sausage (see photo below) eaten this week (not by me, naturally.)  Sadly, there has been a lack of fresh vegetables in our meals and I am dying for a salad, like this one.

Coincidentally, I served this salad to the very same friends we are to meet in Berlin in a few days.  They came over for dinner and a strategy session just before we left.  The nectarines were spectacular in California, as I am sure they are by you, making this salad so simple, delicious and gorgeous at the same time.  It has been one of my summer staples since I saw a version of it by Yotam Ottolenghi (genius!) in The Guardian many years ago.  The combination of fruit, cheese and nuts in a salad is not an original one, but this hot pink beet vinaigrette is.  I think it is stunning and all it is is a small cooked beet blended with a basic vinaigrette.  I know I already mentioned how easy this salad is, so I beg you to make it.  The beauty of this is the contrast in colors, flavors and textures.  If it makes you happy to substitute peaches or apricots for the nectarines, please do.  If you prefer blue cheese or manchego, use that instead of the feta or goat.  By the same token, walnuts and pistachios would work equally well here.  Arugula is fabulous in this salad, but two of my kids don’t like it yet, so I used red leaf lettuce.

I am trying to be cool with my family about what they eat while we’re away merely shooting dirty looks with every buttered roll and not a verbal scolding.  My hope is that they will not expect pastries for breakfast when we return home or ice cream every afternoon, but instead crave salads like this one.  If anyone knows of a good juice bar in Copenhagen, I’m all ears!

Nectarine and Goat Cheese Salad with Beet Dressing

Pamela, adapted from Yotam Ottolenghi
Servings 6


  • 1 small beet for the dressing and 2-3 more for the salad if desired
  • 1 Tablespoon raw honey or pure maple syrup
  • 1 ½ teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 small garlic clove
  • 2 Tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar preferably unpasteurized
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • few grinds of black pepper
  • ½ cup unrefined cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil + 1 teaspoon for almonds
  • 1/3 cup raw whole almonds roughly chopped
  • 2 medium nectarines ripe but firm
  • 8 ounces mixed greens
  • 3 ounces feta or goat cheese crumbled (optional)


  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Wash the beets, place in an oven-proof baking dish with ½ inch of water and cover the dish tightly with foil. Roast for 45-50 minutes, or until very soft. A paring knife should pierce the beets easily. Peel when cool enough to handle.
  • To make the dressing, put one small beet, honey, mustard, garlic, vinegar, salt and pepper in a food processor fitted with a steel blade. Process for a few seconds, then with the motor running, pour ½ cup oil through the feed tube. The dressing should be smooth and emulsified. This recipe makes more dressing than you’ll need for this salad.
  • Saute the almonds in 1 teaspoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt for 3-4 minutes, then set aside to cool.
  • Halve the nectarines, remove the pit and slice each half into six slices. Slice the remaining beets into similar sized wedges.
  • Assemble the greens on a serving platter and lightly drizzle with some dressing. Toss to coat. Arrange the nectarines and beets on top and sprinkle with the almonds and (optional) cheese. Drizzle a touch more dressing, if desired.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Blueberry spelt muffins with flax recipe

I have to say, so far our family vacation is going really well!  I have to give much of the credit to my husband who enjoys planning and executing trips like this.  Unlike him, I don’t have the knack for figuring out the best strategy for tackling a foreign city in a limited amount of time.  My husband is also a history buff, so he acts as tour guide too, giving us great tidbits of information so we have a better appreciation of how a particular region has evolved.  An unexpected bonus has been Daughter #1’s European history coursework from last year, so she’s getting in on the act too, and has been that much more interested in historical landmarks and art than in previous years.  It’s a good “note to self” that kids are more invested in medieval Baltic trade unions after having studied it in school rather than before.

Mr. Picky, who has a very competitive nature about him, has been particularly fascinated with anything to do with wars – which countries were fighting against each other and why, who’d formed alliances, what weapons were used — and are they still rivals today on the soccer pitch?  Daughter #2 is more interested in art and famous paintings.  Does Europe not offer something for all of us?!

We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Amsterdam, a very civilized, and historically liberal and tolerant city.  Still feels that way today.   Amsterdam is a very easy city to get around on foot or bicycle as so many of the locals do.  We will be back there for a day in less than two weeks, so I’m hoping for good weather so that we can take a canal ride.  The buildings along the canals are really lovely.

After leaving the Netherlands, we are just passing through a few German coastal towns such as Rostock on our way to Scandinavia.  Our visit in Germany is brief because we will be back here in about 10 days when we are to visit Berlin for a more extended time.

Like I mentioned in my last post, I have a few recipes up my sleeve while I am away to keep my lovely readers busy in the kitchen and eating well.  Today I hope to inspire you with a delicious Blueberry Spelt Muffin with Flax Recipe.  I thought of this recipe today as we walked through a German square from the Middle Ages in the city of Rostock, formerly part of East Germany.  It seemed as though there was a “Backerie” on every corner.  You may not know this about me, but I am obsessed with bake shops, bakeries, pastry shops and the like, especially in foreign countries.  I love the smell of bakeries and the different varieties of baked goods in other areas.  I don’t indulge very often, but the last few days on our trip will be in Austria and all bets are off, people!  Here are a few photos of some of the baked goods my husband and children DID sample, because when in Rome…. All I can say is that it is a good thing we are walking 10 miles a day!


As opposed to the unsubstantial blueberry muffins you might find in a traditional bakery, which are really just blueberry cupcakes, these are hearty and flavorful and don’t leave you craving something with nutrients.  I made these for breakfast a few days before we left when Daughter #2 had a few girlfriends spend the night.  I have been using whole spelt flour more and more (which you can read about here) since it is lower in gluten than wheat, hence more digestible and more tender, plus it is a little less bitter than whole wheat.  Of course you can use a whole wheat pastry flour or white whole wheat flour here, too.  Either way this is a denser batter than most of my other quick bread recipes.  I added a little extra nutrition bonus here with some ground flaxseed to give a few Omega-3 fatty acids plus fiber and no will know.  Because of those very fragile Omega-3’s, you have to be very careful with flax.  Here’s all you need to know – buy flaxseeds whole and grind them fresh at home.  Pre-ground flaxseeds are likely already oxidized (free radicals have been created) and not worth the convenience.  I have an inexpensive coffee grinder which I use exclusively for grinding seeds.  If ground flaxmeal is something you use regularly, grind a few days’ worth at once and keep it refrigerated in a tightly sealed container.

making struesel

You can keep this recipe on the simple side by not making the optional streusel topping, but it makes the muffins look really pretty and earthy.  It also adds a nice texture and a light glaze of extra sweetness.  If you don’t have time to make the streusel, brushing the tops of the muffins with a little melted butter before baking will give them a nice golden glaze.   I haven’t seen any muffins like this in Europe, but I’ll let you know what I find in Sweden and Finland in the next few days!

Blueberry Spelt Muffins with Flax

5 from 1 vote


  • 2 ½ cups whole spelt flour or King Arthur Multi-purpose GF Flour + 1 teaspoon xanthan gum
  • ½ cup freshly ground flax meal ground from approximately ¼ cup of whole flax seeds
  • 2 teaspoons aluminum- free baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon fine grain sea salt
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 large egg or 1 Tbs. ground flax + 3 Tbs. warm water –allow to sit for 15 min.
  • 1 cup buttermilk or half milk, half yogurt
  • 8 Tablespoons 1 stick unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla
  • ½ cup pure maple syrup
  • 1 ½ cups fresh or frozen blueberries
  • Optional additions: chopped walnuts or pecans shredded coconut, lemon zest
  • Streusel topping:
  • 1 Tablespoon butter
  • 1 Tablespoon whole spelt flour
  • 1 Tablespoon palm sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons rolled oats
  • 1 Tablespoon sunflower seeds
  • 1 Tablespoon pumpkin seeds
  • 1 Tablespoon raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon water


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with unbleached parchment liners.
  • Combine the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. In a separate bowl or in a blender, whisk together the eggs, milk, melted butter, vanilla, and maple syrup. Pour into the dry mixture and stir until just combined. Gently fold in the blueberries.
  • Streusel topping – combine butter and flour in a small bowl mash together with a fork to combine. Add sugar, oats, and seeds to butter-flour mixture. Stir together honey and water and add to mixture. Combine well.
  • Divide the batter among the muffin liners, sprinkle each with streusel topping and bake 22-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean. Cool on a rack.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!